Friday 18 January 2013

Bachelors Walk - Mary Duffy

Examination of Frank M. Byrne, House Surgeon  of Jervis Street Hospital, City of Dublin, taken before me, Louis A. Byrne, Coroner for the County of the City of Dublin, this 28th day of July, 1914, who, being duly sworn upon Oath, said deceased, Mary Duffy, was  brought to Jervis Street Hospital on Sunday evening, Julv 26th.

On examining her I found life extinct. By order of the City Coroner I made a post-mortem examination. Externally I found a small punctured wound in the abdomen on the left side, slightly to inner side of the  anterior superior spine; I also found a large laoitated(?) wound about 2 inches square in left sacral region behind. On external examination I found the external iliac artery had been severed and also that there was a  fracture of the sacrum. All other organs were healthy. In my opinion death was due to shock following  haemorrhage. The wounds I have described could have been caused by a bullet; I could not form any opinion as to the distance of deceased from rifles.

Frank M. Byrne,
House Surgeon,
Jervis Street Hospital.

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